Thursday, September 20, 2012
Borderlands 2 Released With Much Excitement- Darb Vader (Game Correspondent)
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Friday, March 2, 2012
PS4 Not At E3 Says Sony - DarbVader (Game Correspondent)
According to Sony, the rumored Playstation 4 system will not be making a showing at this summer's E3 event. This is said to be a bold move by the company as Nintendo is unveiling their new system and Microsoft is also rumored to be doing the same. Read an article on this here.
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Wii U Pricing- DarbVader (Game Correspondent)
The new Nintendo system, the Wii U, which was announced at 2011's E3. was prices at about $299 in the U.S.. It was also priced at 299 euro and 20,000 yen. The system will be released later this year, though the exact date has not yet been released. Read and article on the price and other Wii U here.
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Will The New Xbox Be At E3?- DarbVader (Game Correspondent)
Rumors have been going out over the past months that the next generation Xbox console, sometimes nicknamed Xbox 720 or Xbox Loop, will be making a showing at this June's E3. Rumors also tell that PlayStation4 will be shown but those rumors have been shot down, maybe to make the showing a surprise, but maybe not.
Read an article on Xbox rumors here
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
The Paranoia of Conspiracy and How Obama is Making it Come True. A Commentary By - Mastre Yoda (Political Correspondent)
We all know the phrase "I may be paranoid, but that doesn't mean they aren't out to get me". This phrase puts to light all the paranoid people you know, and all of those dark conspiracy thoughts you hear daily. One conspiracy that I always scoff at is the notion that Obama is out to destroy America. Now, I don't like Obama, I don't agree with most of his policies, and I certainly think that he is not a very good president. But I have found it hard to believe that the president of the United States would WANT to destroy the country he swore to protect. However, recent actions by our dear leader have not helped the case in his favor.
Recent tensions have risen as Iran continues to push the proliferation of it's Nuclear programme which Iran still insists is merely for energy. Iran has also threatened to close the Strait of Hormuz where 1\3 of the world's supply is shipped, along with many other security concerns that our country faces. Yet Mr. Obama has seen fit that we should cut our nuclear Arsenal to under 300 active warheads. This is an insanely huge drop in our strategic weapons from almost 5,000. The number that he has suggested is under the estimated number of warheads that the Chinese possess, and well under that of the Russians. Now, I don't think that nuclear weapons should wantonly used against other countries, but the deterrence that they impose are a very crucial role in our defense. Retired Air Force Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney told the Washington Free Beacon,
I believe in a very strong defense of this country. Now this doesn't mean that the military cannot trim a bit and get rid of some waste, such as a few of the over 1000 foreign military bases that the military has, but a majority of the cuts that should be being made are in some of the huge entitlement programs that the government runs which consume much more of the government's revenue. On top of this, Obama recently met with the Vice President of China on a 5 day visit. During the visit Obama said,
“Going down to 1000 to 1,100 is risky enough and frankly in today’s world, very risky. The purpose of our nuclear force structure is to deter any adversary from even thinking that they could minimize our attack options. Such thinking is very dangerous and will only encourage our adversaries to make bold decisions.”
'A congressional official and former administration official familiar with the ongoing review said the bottom level warhead levels raise serious questions about whether a nuclear force that size would deter adversaries. It also would raise questions about so-called “extended deterrence,” the threat to use nuclear weapons against states like North Korea on behalf of allies like Japan.' (From the Washington Free Beacon)
'A congressional official and former administration official familiar with the ongoing review said the bottom level warhead levels raise serious questions about whether a nuclear force that size would deter adversaries. It also would raise questions about so-called “extended deterrence,” the threat to use nuclear weapons against states like North Korea on behalf of allies like Japan.' (From the Washington Free Beacon)
It seems that the only cuts that Obama is proposing are in defense and NASA. The recent defense cuts and policies reflect the president’s 2009 speech in Prague when he said the United States would pursue peace and security in a world “without nuclear weapons.”
"The United States welcomes China's "peaceful rise," which he said has the power to "help to bring stability and prosperity to the world".
Even Egypt is getting shots in. The Muslim Brotherhood, which recently won 50% of the seats in Egypt's legislature, has warned the United States not to cut any of the 1.3 Billion dollars that we give them in aid every year. They said that in doing so, we could affect Cairo’s peace treaty with Israel. Egypt is trying to black mail us into keeping giving them money by threatening to become hostile to Israel. And Obama doesn't seem to have a problem with that.
You see, China and Egypt have absolutely NO lovey dovey concern for the rest of the world. They are only interested in what is good for themselves. China doesn't share Mr. Obama's loving view of the world. And frankly, I wouldn't expect them to. No other country in the world shares Mr. Obama's views of the world, other than seeing the gradual decline of the United States.
You see, China and Egypt have absolutely NO lovey dovey concern for the rest of the world. They are only interested in what is good for themselves. China doesn't share Mr. Obama's loving view of the world. And frankly, I wouldn't expect them to. No other country in the world shares Mr. Obama's views of the world, other than seeing the gradual decline of the United States.
Which brings me back to my initial point. Mr. Obama has this view that the United States is no special place, and that the rest of the world has just as much right to be supreme as we do. Theoretically, as much as this pains me, I'd say that that is true. However that is just theoretical. However, the world is not theoretical. If we bow to other country's desire to see our weakening, we will fall as a country. And when we fall, we will fall hard. I love the United States, and as much as other countries have a "right" to be supreme, I will pick the United States over any other one. EVERY TIME. So buckle up America, if you share Mr. Obama's plan to help along the decline of our great country, then re-elect him. If you don't want to see America fall, and think that it still has many many years of strength and prosperity in the future, I'd starts looking for a replacement.
Sunday, February 5, 2012
'Obama: Don’t Use Jesus to Justify Taxes' by Cyrus Massoumi - Lima Tengo (Editor)
This is an interesting thought that I picked up that I thought I should share. He makes an interesting point, and you have to read the entire part to get his whole view, you cannot stop half way through.
Written By Cyrus Massoumi – 20 Year Old Conservative
Obama recently quoted Jesus to justify taxes. He says he interprets the words of Jesus “To whom much is given, much is required.” to mean that those who work and are of faith shouldn’t take issue with giving to those who don’t work.
Given? I don’t remember any hard working American ever being given anything. Obama’s remarks are the result of a long tradition by liberal pseudo-intellectuals who believe that it is the duty of some to give to others. They justify this philosophy to themselves by seeing the world only in terms of “have” and “have not’s” and seeing those who produce not as individuals of great merit but as individuals who produce at the cost of another.
A government who takes from one man to give to another can always depend on the vote of the moocher and the resentment of the producer. It is the Liberals that rely upon the vote of the morally corrupt envious moocher and Conservatism that stands for hard work, great moral character, and protection of freedoms.
A Liberal like Obama will stoop to any low to justify taxation. Perhaps he should not take Jesus out of context. He was speaking of charity to your fellow man. NOT of charity to your government. It is the American people who are the MOST charitable people in the world. It is the Republican Party that is the most charitable demographic in the country.
Why not quote Jesus more accurately under the circumstance? “By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground, since from it you were taken; for dust you are and to dust you will return” those would be much more accurate to the teachings of Christianity and any other major religion.
Taken from, original site unknown. Written By Cyrus Massoumi – 20 Year Old Conservative
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Why I love America- D. (Resident Jackass)
It is that time of year again. Football fans are gearing up for what could be called the biggest game of the season. I know that it is the game with the most hype, at least. Who am I rooting for? Hell if I know. I don't even know who is playing. I don't know who is playing, where they are playing, when they are playing, or even what 'playing' constitutes. I'm watching the game, though.
I have a very legitimate reason for not knowing football- I don't care. I will be watching for the commercials, just like 51 percent of everyone else who will be watching (whenever it is). Seriously, the game is unimportant. I don't know who played last year either. I didn't like many of the commercials last year, so I don't remember it very well.
For more information on how I literally wrote this entire post in less than ten minutes... I don't know where you can find more information about that...
I have a very legitimate reason for not knowing football- I don't care. I will be watching for the commercials, just like 51 percent of everyone else who will be watching (whenever it is). Seriously, the game is unimportant. I don't know who played last year either. I didn't like many of the commercials last year, so I don't remember it very well.
For more information on how I literally wrote this entire post in less than ten minutes... I don't know where you can find more information about that...
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
The State of the Union Address: A Commentary. - Mastre Yoda (Political Correspondent)
'The State of the Union is an annual address presented by the President of the United States to the United States Congress. The address not only reports on the condition of the nation but also allows the president to outline his legislative agenda (for which he needs the cooperation of Congress) and his national priorities.' President Obama made his address to the Congress last night, and frankly, it scared me. President Obama put into words his agenda for the coming year and his message was: The rich should be taxed more, everyone has a right to a college education, going to college is the only way to get a good job, small businesses need the government's help to succeed, it's Wallstreet's sole responsibility for the recession, the executive branch should be made more powerful and with less restrictions, and he is going to do all of this with or without Congress.
This is scary. Obama, not a couple months ago, declared class warfare, just like a good Marxist Student. Then, in his State of the Union address, blatantly deny's that that is his agenda. Lets get one thing straight, you do not need a college education to get a decent job. I know many people that do not hold degrees of any kind and have very good jobs, that are well paying. To say that it is your right to a college education is to say one thing: You have a right to be indoctrinated by the liberal agenda. Obama goes on to say that college loans have increased and that their interest rate should be prevented from being doubled when they cannot pay. Do you know why they cannot pay?
"We learned that mortgages had been sold to people who couldn't afford or understand them. Banks had made huge bets and bonuses with other people's money. Regulators had looked the other way, or didn't have the authority to stop the bad behavior."
And he then goes on to complain about how high oil prices are and that we should invest in clean energy. If clean energy was more profitable then perhaps more companies would invest in clean energy, because that's how the free market works.
And then the last part. I'm going to do this with or without you. Speaking presumably to Congress, although he could have been implying everyone. He said:
"The point is, we should all want a smarter, more effective government. And while we may not be able to bridge our biggest philosophical differences this year, we can make real progress. With or without this Congress, I will keep taking actions that help the economy grow."
Basically, he is saying that regardless of whether the american people want his agenda or not, he is going to do it anyway. And this is right after he says:
"The executive branch also needs to change. Too often, it's inefficient, outdated and remote. (Applause.) That's why I've asked this Congress to grant me the authority to consolidate the federal bureaucracy, so that our government is leaner, quicker, and more responsive to the needs of the American people. (Applause.)"
Oh, so you meant that he wants to push his agenda whether Congress approves or not, and he is asking for more power to do that and more with? Do you think that we are stupid?
"I also hear from many business leaders who want to hire in the United States but can't find workers with the right skills. Growing industries in science and technology have twice as many openings as we have workers who can do the job. Think about that -- openings at a time when millions of Americans are looking for work. It's inexcusable. And we know how to fix it."
I can tell you ONE reason that ties together his thought and the problem with the loans: because a lot of students start college not knowing what degree that they are going to strive towards. They then end up getting a job that doesn't pay enough to pay for the loans that they took. Solution? If you don't KNOW what you are going to get a degree in before you go college, then don't go until you do know. Even so, many degrees such as liberal arts degrees are dead end. There are few jobs that require a degree such as that that pays good enough to pay off the student loans. Not that there is anything wrong with the arts, but face it, not every hipster with a camera and pencil is cut out to be an artist.
Obama then starts to say that it was Wallstreet's policies that caused the recession and banks giving out loans that they knew they had no business giving out. He said: Lets be real. CONGRESS forced banks to give out those loans on a federally insured basis through programs like Fannie May and Freddie Mac. It was not solely the bank's responsibility for those faulty loans. Then, he goes on to say that it is unfair that foreign companies are heavily subsidized and that we should make sure that counterfeit products don't reach our shores
"It's not fair when foreign manufacturers have a leg up on ours only because they're heavily subsidized.Tonight, I'm announcing the creation of a Trade Enforcement Unit that will be charged with investigating unfair trading practices in countries like China. (Applause.) There will be more inspections to prevent counterfeit or unsafe goods from crossing our borders."
This means that the government will now have greater control over what the American People can and cannot buy. Great, all we need is more government control. And now he is suggesting that perhaps the government should subsidize MORE for companies in the United States so that it has more fair competitiveness in the market. THEN he says:
"We've subsidized oil companies for a century. That's long enough. (Applause.) It's time to end the taxpayer giveaways to industry"And he then goes on to complain about how high oil prices are and that we should invest in clean energy. If clean energy was more profitable then perhaps more companies would invest in clean energy, because that's how the free market works.
And then the last part. I'm going to do this with or without you. Speaking presumably to Congress, although he could have been implying everyone. He said:
Basically, he is saying that regardless of whether the american people want his agenda or not, he is going to do it anyway. And this is right after he says:
"The executive branch also needs to change. Too often, it's inefficient, outdated and remote. (Applause.) That's why I've asked this Congress to grant me the authority to consolidate the federal bureaucracy, so that our government is leaner, quicker, and more responsive to the needs of the American people. (Applause.)"
Oh, so you meant that he wants to push his agenda whether Congress approves or not, and he is asking for more power to do that and more with? Do you think that we are stupid?
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Most Powerful Centerfire Rifle- R2-D2 (Gun Corespondent/Enthusiast)
The .950 JDJ is the most powerful centerfire rifle today. It launches a 230g bullet at a velocity of 670 meters per second. .This rifle has cartridge capacity one .950 round, however there are few that have fired this rifle due to the massive kick this rifle possesses, the entire rifle weighs in at 110lbs., and one .950 round can cost anywhere from $40-$90 which is why not that many people fire this legendary rifle. This rifle can cause injury to anyone who atempts to shoot it due to the kick the rifle, although what if the rifle was mounted on a tripod that could absorb most of the kick but I digress. The .950 JDJ can cause injury as you will see in the video below.
This poor man breaks a rib from firing the .950 JDJ!
Friday, January 20, 2012
Aftermath Update: MegaUploads Take-down & Anon's Nuclear Response - Mastre Yoda (Political Correspondent)
As I mentioned yesterday in my SOPA Aftermath Commentary, the Federal Government bluntly took down the popular file-sharing site Mega Uploads. Was this a message to the protesters? Was this move a statement that the government can, and will, do what ever they want to do regardless of what we think? Or was this a possible misstep on their part, that they don't really need SOPA and PIPA to get the job done?
Not long after the government removal of the site, four execs were arrested on charges of racketeering and money laundering in Australia and are planned to be extradited to the US, the first time anyone will have been extradited for copyright related charges. Now rewind to Anonymous. They have been relatively quiet for quite a while, with a few attacks here and there. Then the Feds take down Mega Uploads. Anonymous then NUKES everyone. In a matter of a short while, very quickly assembled but very effective DDoS attacks take down several website including the FBI site, The Department of Justice site, RIAA, MPAA, Universal Music Group, and the US Copyright Office sites. DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attacks are a very simple way that Anonymous takes out it's targets, or as Rob Rachwald puts it:
"DDoS is the internet what the Billy club is to gang warfare: simple, cheap, unsophisticated and effective," said Rob Rachwald, director of security strategy, Imperva. "But DDoS lends itself well to the Anonymous model which relies on crowd sourcing. During Operation Payback, Anonymous inspired an army of thousands in an attempt to bring numerous commercial sites. In this case, they’re boasting '5,600 DDoS zealots blasting at once.'"
But I digress. As referred to in my previous article, there was a lot of support by the internet community to stop SOPA and PIPA. I am proud to announce that as of today, the bills have been shelved. Now, it is true, that torrenting and file sharing is stealing and should not be allowed, however the freedoms that we enjoy over the internet should be preserved. Anonymous is a very loose organization that very certainly puts its views into practice. I think this is a good example in the fact that, they put their views out there and stand by them. However, what Anonymous does is illegal, and if they get out of hand it could spell disaster for a lot of people. I don't really recommend following in their footsteps.
Sources and Resources:,news-13953.html
Not long after the government removal of the site, four execs were arrested on charges of racketeering and money laundering in Australia and are planned to be extradited to the US, the first time anyone will have been extradited for copyright related charges. Now rewind to Anonymous. They have been relatively quiet for quite a while, with a few attacks here and there. Then the Feds take down Mega Uploads. Anonymous then NUKES everyone. In a matter of a short while, very quickly assembled but very effective DDoS attacks take down several website including the FBI site, The Department of Justice site, RIAA, MPAA, Universal Music Group, and the US Copyright Office sites. DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attacks are a very simple way that Anonymous takes out it's targets, or as Rob Rachwald puts it:
Sources and Resources:,news-13953.html
Another iPad 3 Rumor- Darb Vader (Game Correspondent)
A follow-up rumor to the iPad release rumor has stated that the announcement for the iPad 3 will be in February. This rumor makes a plausible argument because the announcements for the first two iPads were in January and then March of their respective years.
Thursday, January 19, 2012
On a Lighter Note - D (A Smattering of Everything)
Or a bargain congressman.
But I might get to that later.
The Aftermath of the SOPA and PIPA Protest: A Commentary. -Mastre Yoda (Political Correspondent)
SOPA and PIPA. If you haven't heard of them yet, you are probably not reading this. Yesterday, in an unprecedented internet protest, several popular sites went offline to make a point of their view of the bills. Wikipedia, Craigslist, and Reddit went black, just to name a few, and even the internet giant, Google put in it's two cents by posting a big black banner over their homepage with a link to a page expressing their opinions and redirecting you to sign a petition again the view.
According to Wikipedia, that over 162 million people saw its anti-censorship message yesterday well over the population of Estonia and Iceland...combined.. In sheer numerical terms that's over half the population of the U.S.. Google says that they collected over 7 million signatures on their petition. The Facebook Anti SOPA page collected over 78,000 likes. What does all this mean? That many people are riled up about this issue. Red Hat, a well know open source software solutions company sums up very well what the day was about:
"In a single generation, the Internet has transformed our world to such an extent that it is easy to forget its miraculous properties and take it for granted," Red Hat continues. "It's worth reminding ourselves, though, that our future economic growth depends on our ability to use the Internet to share new ideas and technology. Measures that block the freedom and openness of the Internet also hinder innovation."
But what does this mean? Earlier today, the federal government took down a popular file-sharing site, Megauploads. This is evidence that the government doesn't need these bills to successfully take down offending sites WITH due process. Regardless, the PIPA and SOPA bill leaders are pushing ahead with their bills, even with the much decreased support for the bill by both the Senate and the House. 18 Senators announcing they opposed the new PIPA bill, some of the representatives that no longer support the bill include :Lee Terry (R-Neb.), Ben Quayle (R-Arizona), Roy Blunt (R-Missouri), John Boozman (R-Arkansas), Kelly Ayotte (R-New Hampshire), Marco Rubio (R-Florida), Jeff Merkley (D-Oregon), Scott Brown (R-Mass.).
Although yesterday was a success, the movement needs to keep the momentum going and continue to pester the representatives. Even Anonymous got a good shot in when they took down the DoJ website in response to the take-down of Megauploads.
Some internet Statistics that you might find interesting, there are:
- 3.146 billion email accounts
- 40 years since the first email was sent
- 555 million websites as of December 2011
- 95.5 million .com domain names at the end of 2011
- 100 billion photos on Facebook
Battlefield 3 Gets Greeked- Darb Vader (Game Correspondent)
In a recent Maximum PC article on Battlefield 3, the reporter referred to the game as the the Greek Mythological character the Chimera. For those who do not know the Chimera is a beast that is a patchwork stitching of a lion, snake, and goat. The analogy works, but whether his view on the consequences that this "patchwork system" has on the game as a whole or the Battlefield franchise is wholly up to the gaming world.
The full Maximum PC article here.
The full Maximum PC article here.
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
A Short Thought About Democracy and SOPA\PIPA - Mastre Yoda (Political Correspondent)
Senator Rubio, in a recent move, has withdrawn his support for the PIPA Bill. This goes to show that when a decent politician sees that the people are unhappy with his decision, he should review what it is that he is supporting and be sure that he should be supporting it. Sometimes it is merely the vocal minority that is making all of the noise and the majority of the constituents that elected him, his party, are saying otherwise. In the case of PIPA and SOPA, it is safe to say that there are a lot of people that are upset with the bill, and wish is to be changed or shelved completely.
Whether the blackouts and protests of the SOPA and PIPA bills are merely being blindly supported by the public is not certain, only time and education of the public will tell whether the people truly understand what they are opposing and how intimately it can effect their daily usage on the internet. So, I encourage you to read up on SOPA and PIPA, to educate yourselves on what you are vocalizing.
Resources and sources:
Senator Rubio did what he should have done and reevaluated what it is that his constituents want. Many politicians do not do this, and ignore the wants and needs of their constituents. They, in their arrogance, decide that they know better than the majority. Sometimes, it is justifiable, in the case of a genuinely misinformed public, or a public that is being influenced by a fad, or muckrakers that are using a mob to get support for their cause.
“Congress should listen and avoid rushing through a bill that could have many unintended consequences,” Senator Rubio wrote on his Facebook page. “Therefore, I have decided to withdraw my support for the Protect IP Act.”
Where Am I Again? - Lima Tengo (Editor)
This is an interesting view of how small we are in the universe. I don't agree with some of the innuendos that Carl Sagan makes, but the analysis is still a very interesting and sobering point. We really are a VERY small speck of dust in a vast cosmos.
Intel Launches CPU replacement plan for overclockers - (Hardware Specialist)
Intel will be offering a replacement plan for overclockers that push their processors too hard. This service will only be a pilot program, and will only be available for 6 months. Although overclocking is a common "Dark Art" most manufacturers discourage the abuse of electronics. Note that this plan is only good for one replacement, but for the 20 odd bucks that the plan costs, it's worth it if you are an avid overclocker.
Rumor: Nvidia GeForce GTX 680 to arrive in February - (Hardware Specialist)
A rumor on the Chinese forum, has it that Nvidia will release the GTX 680 earlier than the March time-frame in response to the release of the AMD 7970 graphics chip. The GTX 680 will be based off of Nvidia's new 28nm Kepler archatecture. The 7970 is currently the fastest single chip in the world, while Asus's Mars II Limited Edition Dual GTX 580 card is arguably the fastest single graphics card in the world.
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
"No PS4 announcement at 2012 E3" says Sony- Darb Vader (Game Correspondent)
According to recent interviews, Sony does not plan to unveil the rumored "Playstation 4" at this year's E3 Conference. This could prove to be a detrimental mistake for Sony, as Nintendo plans to unveil their Wii U. It could also prove to be a good choice for the company, as they will have the chance to see the competition and improve on their system according to what they see at the conference. Only time will tell.............
See a full article on this on Gamespot.
See a full article on this on Gamespot.
Google Joins Tomorrow's SOPA Protest - Lima Tengo (Editor)
SOPA, a bill that gives the US Government the right to force private businesses to block foreign websites that either host copyright infringing material or even link to a website that hosts the material, has strong opposition. Google, the search engine giant, has added itself to the growing list of sites and businesses that will protest the bill tomorrow, along with big internet names like Reddit, Wikipedia, Minecraft, Destructoid, the iCanHazCheezburger family of sites, and Anonymous. Most of these sites will totally be blacking out tomorrow, although understandably, Google will be limiting it's participation to posting a link to a page outlining the companies views on the bill.
"Like many businesses, entrepreneurs and web users, we oppose these bills because there are smart, targeted ways to shut down foreign rogue websites without asking American companies to censor the Internet," a Google spokeswoman told CNET. "So tomorrow we will be joining many other tech companies to highlight this issue on our US home page."
This move, along with other recent developments in the SOPA and PIPA bills, is making to increasingly less likely that the bill will be passed, although The Government has been known to ignore what it's citizens want.
Monday, January 16, 2012
iPad 3 Production Begins (supposedly) -Darb Vader (Gamer Correspondent)
Rumor has it that the iPad 3 is under production and will be set for launch in March. It is rumored to have HD capabilities, a quad-core processor, and the support from LTE wireless networks. No more news until Apple announces it formally.
Check out the G4 article
It's Official: Wikipedia Will Black Out To Protest SOPA/PIPA - Mastre Yoda (Political Corespondent)
1/18/12, the day the internet went black. Even Wikipedia is blacking out for this gathering of dark consensus. To help protest SOPA, Get In The Loop will also be going dark for the 18th in it's support of the tech community.
Full story here:
* while Get In The Loop supports the rights of users, it abides by copyright laws and does not torrent and is not responsible for the views of Get In The Loop's contributors.
Full story here:
* while Get In The Loop supports the rights of users, it abides by copyright laws and does not torrent and is not responsible for the views of Get In The Loop's contributors.
PS Vita not available in U.S. until February 22- Darb Vader (Game Correspondent)
The PS Vita system is the newest handheld addition to the Sony franchise. It has been called the PSP2 and intends to make the PSP user interface more compatible for people who are not used to the Playstation format, which includes getting rid of the cross media bar or XMB. The new interface has been claimed to be closer to that of an iOS or Android OS.
See more on the PS Vita at the G4 Article
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Russian space probe crashes into Pacific - Lima Tengo (Editor)
Hey Russia, you missed your target by 46477943 miles.....
DNS Provision Pulled From SOPA, Protect IP - Lima Tengo (Editor)
"A small victory for the technology sector", the article says, but is it really? Should we be giving power over the internet to the government? Call me paranoid, but it giving to much power to the government could lead to a misuse of the powers given to them.,news-13899.html#xtor=RSS-998,news-13899.html#xtor=RSS-998
The Best Everything at CES - Lima Tengo (Editor)
CES, the dream of every hardcore nerd to walk the earth. This year, many a cool shiny toys have come out of the Mecca of tech including some slim, but powerful Ultrabooks; tiny but strong Tablets; and TV's that will make your eyes water. Visit the link to Gizmodo to see what they had to say!
OCZ Technology Reveals Chiron 4TB SSD - Lima Tengo (Editor)
SSD's are an emerging market with a big future. Insanely fast read and write speeds, and now huge storage capabilities. But can you stomach the price tag?,14456.html,14456.html
SOPA Author Says Opponents Lack Credibility - Lima Tengo (Editor)
SOPA. I'm torn on this issue. To torrent or not to torrent. That is the Question. I can understand that frustration of the companies that are selling the material, they worked for it, why should someone get their product for free? However, it isn't the same thing as stealing either. And when certain programs are $600, it is perfectly understandable to feel the temptation to just torrent it. What do you think? Vote on the Side Bar!
Homeless Long Island Teenager Is Intel Competition Semifinalist - Lima Tengo (Editor)
Just goes to show you that no matter who you are, and where you are from, you can do anything you set your mind to.
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Welcome to Get In The Loop. In the course of their day, people show little interest in their surroundings, regardless of whether or not it effects them or not. I am here to help alleviate that with my views of politics, science, and religion in a series of articles, editorials, pictures, and commentaries. Help Combat Ignorance and share this site! (Served with a side of Nerdy humor) GET IN THE LOOP!
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