Friday, March 2, 2012

PS4 Not At E3 Says Sony - DarbVader (Game Correspondent)

According to Sony, the rumored Playstation 4 system will not be making a showing at this summer's E3 event.  This is said to be a bold move by the company as Nintendo is unveiling their new system and Microsoft is also rumored to be doing the same.  Read an article on this here.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Wii U Pricing- DarbVader (Game Correspondent)

The new Nintendo system, the Wii U, which was announced at 2011's E3. was prices at about $299 in the U.S.. It was also priced at 299 euro and 20,000 yen.  The system will be released later this year, though the exact date has not yet been released.  Read and article on the price and other Wii U here.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Will The New Xbox Be At E3?- DarbVader (Game Correspondent)

Rumors have been going out over the past months that the next generation Xbox console, sometimes nicknamed Xbox 720 or Xbox Loop, will be making a showing at this June's E3.  Rumors also tell that  PlayStation4 will be shown but those rumors have been shot down, maybe to make the showing a surprise, but maybe not.
Read an article on Xbox rumors here