Thursday, January 19, 2012

On a Lighter Note - D (A Smattering of Everything)

Well, This week has been filled with stores about SOPA and PIPA. Actually, it has been filled with two stories about SOPA and PIPA, with a multitude of different takes on the issues, but I digress. If anyone doesn't know about these bills- really? you don't know about the impending end of our beloved internet?- go real about them. Elsewhere. I happen to think there is something a mote more interesting. The Canon DX 1. Go read the specs. Read the specs on your camera. Weep. Now, it hasn't been released yet, and the rumor is that it will be on November 3rd, but I do have to ask a question: do you need a $7,000 camera? Does anyone need a $7,00 camera? Does anyone need a $44,000 camera? Honestly, I think that these are really cool, and If I had that kind of spending money, and no responsibilities or obligations, I might consider buying one.

Or a bargain congressman.

But I might get to that later.

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