Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The Paranoia of Conspiracy and How Obama is Making it Come True. A Commentary By - Mastre Yoda (Political Correspondent)

     We all know the phrase "I may be paranoid, but that doesn't mean they aren't out to get me". This phrase puts to light all the paranoid people you know, and all of those dark conspiracy thoughts you hear daily. One conspiracy that I always scoff at is the notion that Obama is out to destroy America. Now, I don't like Obama, I don't agree with most of his policies, and I certainly think that he is not a very good president. But I have found it hard to believe that the president of the United States would WANT to destroy the country he swore to protect. However, recent actions by our dear leader have not helped the case in his favor.

     Recent tensions have risen as Iran continues to push the proliferation of it's Nuclear programme which Iran still insists is merely for energy. Iran has also threatened to close the Strait of Hormuz where 1\3 of the world's supply is shipped, along with many other security concerns that our country faces. Yet Mr. Obama has seen fit that we should cut our nuclear Arsenal to under 300 active warheads. This is an insanely huge drop in our strategic weapons from almost 5,000. The number that he has suggested is under the estimated number of warheads that the Chinese possess, and well under that of the Russians. Now, I don't think that nuclear weapons should wantonly used against other countries, but the deterrence that they impose are a very crucial role in our defense. Retired Air Force Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney told the Washington Free Beacon,

     “Going down to 1000 to 1,100 is risky enough and frankly in today’s world, very risky. The purpose of our nuclear force structure is to deter any adversary from even thinking that they could minimize our attack options. Such thinking is very dangerous and will only encourage our adversaries to make bold decisions.”

      'A congressional official and former administration official familiar with the ongoing review said the bottom level warhead levels raise serious questions about whether a nuclear force that size would deter adversaries. It also would raise questions about so-called “extended deterrence,” the threat to use nuclear weapons against states like North Korea on behalf of allies like Japan.' (From the Washington Free Beacon)
     It seems that the only cuts that Obama is proposing are in defense and NASA. The recent defense cuts and policies reflect the president’s 2009 speech in Prague when he said the United States would pursue peace and security in a world “without nuclear weapons.”
I believe in a very strong defense of this country. Now this doesn't mean that the military cannot trim a bit and get rid of some waste, such as a few of the over 1000 foreign military bases that the military has, but a majority of the cuts that should be being made are in some of the huge entitlement programs that the government runs which consume much more of the government's revenue.  On top of this, Obama recently met with the Vice President of China on a 5 day visit. During the visit Obama said,
   "The United States welcomes China's "peaceful rise," which he said has the power to "help to bring stability and prosperity to the world".

       Even Egypt is getting shots in. The Muslim Brotherhood, which recently won 50% of the seats in Egypt's legislature, has warned the United States not to cut any of the 1.3 Billion dollars that we give them in aid every year. They said that in doing so, we could affect Cairo’s peace treaty with Israel. Egypt is trying to black mail us into keeping giving them money by threatening to become hostile to Israel. And Obama doesn't seem to have a problem with that.
      You see, China and Egypt have absolutely NO lovey dovey concern for the rest of the world. They are only interested in what is good for themselves. China doesn't share Mr. Obama's loving view of the world. And frankly, I wouldn't expect them to. No other country in the world shares Mr. Obama's views of the world, other than seeing the gradual decline of the United States.
        Which brings me back to my initial point. Mr. Obama has this view that the United States is no special place, and that the rest of the world has just as much right to be supreme as we do. Theoretically, as much as this pains me, I'd say that that is true. However that is just theoretical. However, the world is not theoretical. If we bow to other country's desire to see our weakening, we will fall as a country. And when we fall, we will fall hard. I love the United States, and as much as other countries have a "right" to be supreme, I will pick the United States over any other one. EVERY TIME. So buckle up America, if you share Mr. Obama's plan to help along the decline of our great country, then re-elect him. If you don't want to see America fall, and think that it still has many many years of strength and prosperity in the future, I'd starts looking for a replacement. 


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